Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Spotlight On: Dazed and Confused

If you know me, you should by now be well aware of my love and affinity for all things related to 70s fashion. Gimme flared jeans over skinnies and high waist over low rise any day. This spring season, it's time to master this look. Super flared and wide leg trousers, rust tones, cropped tops, mixed prints, high waists, billowy blouses, chunky jewelry and long, flowy dresses and skirts galore...and I really couldn't be more excited.

And what better epitomizes these styles than one of my all time favorite movies, Dazed and Confused. Not only are the clothes perfect, but it is hands down one of the most enjoyable movies to quote (again, and again...and probably again). Darla became a personal hero and had me at, "Wipe that face off your head, bitch". 

If you haven't seen it, well, you should definitely go ahead and add it to your Netflix queue immediately. And don't forget to take notes.

Here, some style suggestions from the shop! 
Just click on any of the pictures to go right to that item's listing:

Check ya later...
XO Becky


  1. Loving this post! Great film AND inspiration!! Just became a follower of your blog!!
    velvet cupcakes

  2. Fierce lady! Love the furry purse! PS: also my fav movie of all times!

    I followed, follow me back? :)


  3. pictures are great!!
    but if i click something, the page is GONE..:(

    anyways, thank you for your sweet comment ^^

  4. Never seen that film before, maybe I should take a look! Do love that 70s vibe... x

  5. 70s fashion rocks. super cool things

    F. ( x

  6. Gorgeous outfits, I love the crocheted fabric! Very cool and effortless!
